how to start tech company

Is technology your one and only passion in life? For as long as you can remember, have you had an entrepreneurial streak coursing through your veins? If so, why not combine these two important aspects of your life by resolving to start your own tech company? So long as youContinue Reading

smart cards

Smart cards are an incredibly underrated form of technology. These handy devices have a wide variety of applications, making them the perfect solution for businesses hoping to up their productivity. If you run an organization and are looking to make your operations a lot smoother, then it is certainly worthContinue Reading

HR Automation

For many new companies, the possibilities are endless. You can try to emulate the good example of other successful startups to hopefully build a proper roadmap, or dance to your tune and find your niche. While there are many opportunities, there are a similar number of potential roadblocks. After all,Continue Reading

cyber threats

Cyber attacks are one of the biggest threats to businesses, especially as many companies are increasing their digital presence and shifting to online working practices. This is even more of a concern in the ‘new normal’ where many businesses are storing data, collaborating, communicating, and sharing remotely due to theContinue Reading

Gaming Laptops

So you finally decided to upgrade your gaming rig, huh? Well, with so many laptops on the market right now, it’s probably unwise to listen to the retail store guy who says, “this is the best gaming laptop there is!” to every game-hungry customer that walks in. If you wantContinue Reading